WillowTreeRags Family Tree

Dedicated to all of the treasured ragdolls that created WillowTreeRags, especially my three foundation Ragdolls (Lady Abigail Byers, TICA CH/CFA CH. Angaline’s Donatello and TrexDolls Clancy). Without these three wonderful cats, WillowTreeRags would have never existed as a cattery known for such robust, healthy, and lovely traditional Ragdolls. These cats were the true back bone of our lines, chosen for traits which no other Ragdoll can compete. These cats we hold near and dear to our hearts although they’ve been retired. Each one of them have contributed a great deal to the breed through their offspring which live on in our two males, TICA RW SGC/CFA GC. WillowTreeRags’ Apollo Amadeo & TICA TGC/CFA GC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen, and through their other offspring, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc, of theirs who touch the lives of each family they love and are loved by.

In Loving Memory…

10/25/2005 – 10/29/2014

TICA OS TGC./CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen

On October 29th, 2014, just 4 days after his 9th birthday Hans was diagnosed with a large abdominal mass that had been causing him to be recently ill. It was devastating to find out that this mass could not be removed, it had grown too large and caused too much damage and would be in time fatal. We let Hans leave us that day, selflessly. To make sure he was no longer in pain and wouldn’t suffer. We let him leave while he still had some fight left in him. Just two days before the diagnosis we had brought him home his favorite toy- a catnip snake. He wrestled with it on mom’s bed, like a kitten. We didn’t know we’d be saying goodbye so soon. The world can be so unfair, you were taken much too soon. Hans, you will live on in our hearts through the memories you left and all of the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren you’ve gifted us with over the years. There will never be a cat that comes close to you in character or looks. You were too special. We will miss you forever.

Blue Point Bicolor (“True Bicolor”)

Sire: Ch. Angaline’s Donatello (Blue Point Bicolor)
Dam: Lady Abigale Byers (Blue Mitted w/ hourglass blaze)




3rd BEST Blue Point Bicolor in the NE Region!

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations & PKD: Negative

Hans is our other home-grown king. He is the last litter of Lady Abigale Byers (our first queen), and holds those first founding, traditional WillowTreeRags lines in his pedigree. Hans is a very fluffy male, with the most bright, sparkling, vibrant blue eyes you will ever see in a ragdoll! He is perfectly marked, and although he doesn’t love the show hall, he was able to achieve his Triple Grand Champion status easily! Hans is a very playful cat. He loves the kittens, and always rolls around and wrestles with them with soft paws. He is just the sweetest Daddy any kitten could wish for! He also loves his ladies! He loves grooming them, and laying down by their side with a paw reached out to touch them. Hans has produced some outstanding kittens for us, he passes on his most phenomenal traits… his sharp inverted “V”, sparkling deep blue eyes, flawless type, and bunny-soft coat.

Newsflash: We took Hans to a show at 3 years old where he placed in breed in almost every one of the rings, and received a 5th Specialty Final. He also picked up a few Best of Breeds. The reason we had not shown Hans as a kitten and a young adult was because he did not enjoy the grooming aspect. We decided to try him once more and he didn’t mind it too much! Despite him being a bit stubborn with the judges, he was very good! Hans was awarded his Triple Grand Champion title!

Hans is mom’s baby and will forever stay at the cattery. Luckily, Hans has produced the most amazing kittens for us, many of which we’ve kept to further our breeding program! We love you “Hans Fritz”!

As a sire Hans has produced many top show winners in TICA & CFA. Hans is also the father of many Queens who have produced outstanding show winning offspring. Among his ever growing list of show winners he has sired 4 Supreme Grand Champions and counting…

1. TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Claus Hansen

2. TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Genevieve Hansdatter

3. TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags Fritz of ClancysRags

4. TICA SGCA. WillowTreeRags Bellevue Lady Astor

All four of his Supremes have been flawless Bicolors in type and markings. They all have phenomenal personalities, perfect drawn-on-looking inverted “V”‘s, intense blue eye color, and the ultimate bunny-soft “Hans” coat. They fit the Ragdoll Standard to a tee.

The photo Hans on black are at almost 3 years of age, if you compare these pictures to the ones on blue taken when he was 8 months, you can see the maturity of his coloring and other traits over the years.

02/21/2006 – 07/15/2019

WillowTreeRags’ Apollo Amadeo


Seal Point Mitted

Sire: Ch. Angaline’s Donatello (Blue Point Bicolor)
Dam: TrexDolls’ Clancy (Seal Point Bicolor)







13th Best Ragdoll Cat, INTERNATIONALLY!
3rd Best Seal Point Mitted Ragdoll, INTERNATIONALLY!
16th Best Allbreed Cat in the NE Region
8th Best Longhaired Cat in the NE Region
Best Seal Point Mitted Ragdoll Cat in the NE Region
3rd Best Ragdoll Cat in the NE Region

4th Best Seal Point Mitted Ragdoll Cat, INTERNATIONALLY!
27th Best Ragdoll Cat, INTERNATIONALLY!
13th Best Longhair Cat in the NE Region
3rd Best Ragdoll Cat in the NE Region
2nd Best Seal Point Mitted Ragdoll Cat in the NE Region

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations & PKD: Negative

Apollo is our very handsome Seal Point Mitted. He is very special to me being not only my first show cat, but also a cat I bred myself! I am so proud of all of his accomplishments and how wonderful he is at the cat shows and at hme. He loves to be hugged and cuddled, a trait he passes on to his kittens. He is my baby, and sleeps with me every night like a big teddy bear. I couldn’t imagine my life without him by my side. “Polly” is very loving, and easy going not only with people, but other cats as well. He is constantly purring and loves to give me big hugs! He is my favorite male (Shh!), and was born at our home, where he has lived his whole life. He has been very successful in the show halls, and has really held his own with outstanding competition. We thank Rene Knapp for giving Apollo his “BEST CAT” final in Montreal on November 24th, 2007, which means he is now a SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION!

Newsflash: Since CFA just accepted the mitted & colorpoint patterns this year (2008) we have been showing Apollo in CFA. He has been doing very well, and we’ve received some very honorable remarks from the judges that we are very happy about. I want to thank Walter Hutzler, Gary Veach, Kim Everett-Hirsch, Nancy Dodds and Lynn Search for finaling Apollo, and for their wonderful compliments about him! One judge even said that HE wanted to be the one that Granded Apollo! Many of these judges have said Apollo was the BEST example of a mitted they had seen THUS far. Thank you all so much for your constant love of Apollo!

THE LATEST NEWS: APOLLO HAS MADE CFA HISTORY FOR THE RAGDOLL BREED! APOLLO is now a CFA GRAND CHAMPION! This is an amazing accomplishment for a MITTED RAGDOLL! Mitteds were JUST accepted this year in CFA! Apollo is the FIRST SEAL POINT MITTED GRAND CHAMPION AND THE FIRST MITTED MALE GRAND CHAMPION! He is the SECOND MITTED GRAND CHAMPION IN CFA! Apollo achieved this honor at 3 years of age in March 2009. Apollo not only made history at WillowTreeRags by being our FIRST CFA Grand Champion, but also made CFA history! Apollo is also a home-bred kitten that we hand-selected, which makes this extra special!

As a sire Apollo has produced numerous titled, top show winners in TICA & CFA, as well as internationally. Including 10 Supreme Grand Champions and counting…

1st- TICA RW SGCA/CFA PR. WillowTreeRags’ Irish Fancy

2nd- TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Neptune of Emblemystic

3rd- TICA SGCA. WillowTreeRags’ Mr. BoJangles

4th- TICA SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Goddess of Rouletii

5th- TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Gena of Rouletii

6th- TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags What All Women Want (of Dollheaven)

7th- TICA RW SGC. WillowTreeRags Sylbr8 of Magnadolz

8th- TICA RW SGCA/CFA GP. WillowTreeRags Junius Fluffy Pants

9th- TICA RW SGC WillowTreeRags Yasmin Rose

10th- TICA RW SGC WillowTreeRags King Comet

-Nine of these Supremes are MITTEDS!-

-Our Three Foundation Breeders-

Ch. Angaline’s Donatello of WillowTreeRags

*CFA Champion*

*TICA Champion*

Blue Point Bicolor

Sire: Ragalong Leos of Angalines (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: PalaceDolls’ Avalanche of Angalines (Seal Colorpoint)

This is Donatello, a Blue Point Bicolor he was our first breeding male ever, and the foundation of our lines. He is the father of both WillowTreeRags’ Apollo Amadeo & WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (our current breeding males). Donatello came to us from a small breeder in Colorado who took fantastic care of him. Donatello achieved his Championship title in both TICA & CFA. Unfortunately, he was a little weary about the show halls so we kept him home instead of showing him most of the time. It is a shame he didn’t like showing because he was such a beautiful example of the breed. “Donny” as we called him here was a very handsome cat with an extremely large/long body. The above picture is of him at only 10 months old at his first CFA show. He had a beautiful, sweet expression for a male cat, and use to love to talk to everybody in the house (we hear he still loves to talk in his new home). He loved people loved gazing into our eyes while purring. He was such a darling. We swear he use to answer our questions with “yes” or “no”! Dontello was the epitome of a ragdoll temperment wis and retired from breeding in 2007 when his sons took over. We intended on keeping him at the cattery but he wasn’t getting all of the attention he wanted, and wasn’t accepting of the other males in the house. We thought he would be more comfortable in a home where he was the only cat, and where he could get all of the love he needed. He now lives in Salem, MA with Samira and has plenty of cat trees and attention to keep him happy. Although it was extremely hard for all of us to part with him, his beautiful lines and outstanding health carry on throughout his sons, Apollo & Hans. You will not see a WillowTreeRags pedigree without out beloved, Donatello.

You always have a home here and in our hearts, we love you & miss you very much, Donny.


 Updated photos of Donny from 2008 in his new home with Samira!

Lady Abigale Byers A.K.A. “Xanka”


Blue Point Mitted (w/ “Hour-Glass” blaze)

Sire: Holmes’ Sir Jake De Kat (Seal Point Mitted)

Dam: Blue Lace (Blue Point Mitted)

Xanka was the first Ragdoll I had ever met in person, and the most remarkable ragdoll I have yet to ever laid eyes on. From the moment I saw Xanka in pictures, she caught my eye. She was a perfectly marked blue mitted, with an hour-glass blaze, and a little mustache. She had the sweetest expression, and her eyes were the most vibrant and sparkling blue I have seen on any other ragdolls other than her own babies. It is one of my biggest regrets that I retired her and didn’t keep more of her kittens. Some of her beautiful children are breeders, including our beautiful DGC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (blue bicolor), and WillowTreeRags’ Raggedy Andy (blue bicolor) who lives with Karen MacPhee in Prince Edward Islands, Canada. Xanka has no inbreeding, and NO outcrossing in her pedigree. She was 100% pure ragdoll, and lived up to every single ragdoll trait desired. I have still not found a pedigree I think is as valuable as hers was. I will never run my cattery without a piece of her living on in some of my cats. Xanka will forever be my most precious treasure.


TrexDolls’ Clancy of WillowTreeRags


Seal Point Bicolor

Sire: Simonsezz’ Dazzle Me of TrexDolls

Dam: Rockon Rags’ Tessa of TrexDolls

This is TrexDolls’ Clancy. She is a Seal Point Bicolor, and is the mother of our own RW. SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Apollo Amadeo. She has produced some very large litters, with some outstanding kittens! She now lives with a good friend of ours in Massachusetts. Clancy carrys some nice traditional lines, and passes on her HUGE size onto all of her kittens. The above picture is of her at about 1.5 years old at her previous breeder’s home, we regret that it’s the only photo we have of her.

Our Retired Queens

PerfectRags’ Maggie Is A Mystery of WillowTreeRags


Seal Torbie Point Bicolor

Sire: DivaDolls Maddox of Ragnarok (Flame Lynx Point Bicolor)

Dam: PerfectRags’ Ladybug Sue (Seal Point Mitted w/ blaze)

Maggie was retired from our breeding program in 2008. She was such a love, and her kittens were such beauties. Many of our pet owners own Maggie’s babies, and love them to pieces. They all have personalities to die for! We retired Maggie early on because she would much rather be with people than caring for kittens.

Maggie is currently in her new home with Ingrid to enjoy life as a retired breeder. 🙂 We love you Mag-Mag!


Thanks Ingrid for loving and taking such wonderful care of Maggie & Silver and Gold!


TheDollHouse’ Silver and Gold of WillowTreeRags





Seal Torbie Point Mitted

Dam: LeeLynne’s Ladymohr of TheDollHouse

Sire: Scruffy Mccoy of TheDollHouse

Silver & Gold is a “torbie”, which means she is a TORTIE + LYNX! She is perfectly typed with a wonderful head shape, and has a gorgeous expression (including a very cute blaze on her nose). Silver & Gold has wonderful body length, and a perfect “bunny coat”. She is perfectly marked, and has the sweet ragdoll personality to match. At her first show in White Plains, NY she took home 4 finals, at only 8 months old and a female! This is a wonderful accomplishment for such a girl who was only 8 months old. She was in a class against many other ragdolls (13). She continued to show, going as far as California to be awarded ribbons. She finished off the 2008-2009 show season as a TICA Double Grand Champion and the Best Seal Torbie Point Mitted, Internationally. She also achieved Champion status in CFA. Silver and Gold had one litter with us and then was spayed. She lives with two other retired breeder of ours, Maggie (above) and Chamer (below) with Ingrid in Massachusetts!


 SerenityRags’ Savannah’s Dream of WillowTreeRags


Blue Point Mitted

Sire: Victorian Rags’ Gabel of SerenityRags (Blue Point Mitted)

Dam: Racin’ Rags’ Bonni Blu (Blue Point Bicolor)

“Lily” is one of our lovely retired Queens. Lily has pure traditional lines. It’s a pleasure to have her here with us. She is a nice girl, and has a very loving and docile temperament. Always floppy, and purring. She is a very big girl, with a gorgeous traditional look and stunning type. Lily has been such a wonderful mother, and takes outstanding care of all of her plump and outgoing babies! Watch for some of Lily’s offspring in the show curcuit! Along with our own TGC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen, she’s produced a beautiful Blue Point Bicolor male. His name is TICA RW SGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Claus Hansen. All of Lily’s kittens are very precious ragdolls, and hold those perfect ragdoll qualities that are so cherished and desired by those who love the breed.

Lily is retired and lives with the Moore Family in Massachusetts!


IowasBestRags’ Holly of WillowTreeRags

Blue Point Mitted w/ “hourglass” blaze

Sire: Samsun (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: IowasBestRags’ Little Debbie (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

From the moment I saw Holly’s picture online, I was in love with her! When I finally got the chance to meet her in person when she arrived at our home, I was extremely excited and felt honored to have her as part of our ragdoll family! Holly is a Blue Point Mitted, with an “hourglass” blaze. These markings are some of my favorite, because they are so unique and remind me so much of a traditional ragdoll especially since my first ragdoll, Xanka had the same makings and is a ragdoll I think was one of the closest to the standard, along with having a beautiful pedigree, outstanding health, and a total ragdoll temperament. She is like a Xanka-replica. It always amazes me how Holly can look so much like her. Holly’s fathers lines originate from well-bred traditional lines, his lines really caught my eye as they are lines I have been seeking to add more of to my cattery. Holly’s mother’s lines originate from mostly Lonerock. In Holly’s background there is one birman outcross (originally added to bring chocolates into the breed by a ragdoll cattery, “Lonerock”) on her mother’s side. In this case, Holly is NOT 100% traditional. Although, all of Holly’s kittens are SBT registered PUREBRED Ragdolls, and are able to be shown in TICA & CFA. WillowTreeRags’ Silk Stocking (Blue Colorpoint Female: Out of Hans), WillowTreeRags’ Majestic Hansdatter (Blue Point Bicolor Female: Out of Hans), WillowTreeRags’ Bellevue Miramar (Seal Point Mitted Female: Out of Apollo), WillowTreeRags’ Apollon Rubellius (Seal Point Mitted Male: Out of Apollo). Holly is also the mother of RFCI’s 2009-2010 BEST RAGDOLL ALTER OF THE YEAR, TICA RW. SGCA. WillowTreeRags’ Irish Fancy, a Seal Point Mitted (with a white tail-tip) male alter shown in TICA and now showing in CFA and lovingly owned primarily as a pet by Katie Clancy.

Holly now lives with the Rudnick’s in MA, and is enjoying the good life…being loved.

TICA CH. Wiseacre’s Graceful Lady


Blue Colorpoint

Sire: Sinatra Blues (Blue Colorpoint)

Dam: IowasBestRags Tauhnee (Blue Point Mitted)

Gracie now lives with The Farnhams in Indianapolis, as a pet.


Mendelian Geneva of WillowTreeRags


Seal Point Bicolor (“High Mitted”)

Sire: Mendelian Puppis (Seal Point Mitted)

Dam: Mendelian Taurie (Blue Lynx Point Mitted)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Now introducing, Geneva! We are so excited to be adding her to our cattery! Known as “Genevie” around the house, she is the sweetest kitty and so spunky. She loves to play and cuddle. She loves chasing all of the younger kittens the house, and loves to wrestle with all of the other cats. Her face is so precious, when you look at her your heart just melts! She has beautiful intense dark blue eye color, and wonderful dark point color. She is a very large girl already, and has wonderful type, body length, and tail length. She has very tall legs, which makes her look even more elegant. She has a wonderful pedigree and a very traditional look So far Geneva has had some truly outstanding kittens with Hans! Some of her offspring being shown or placed with breeders are: TICA SGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Genevieve Hansdatter (Out of Hans), TICA CH. WillowTreeRags Emily Hansdatter of RhetoricalRags (Out of Hans), TICA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Amelia (Out of Hans), and WillowTreeRags’ Sonya of Medieval (Out of Tao), and will carry on her, Hans and Tao’s outstanding lines. We retired Geneva at a little over 2 years from our breeding program because she was putting out some mismarkings that we would rather work away from. She also was unhappy being a whole cat, she had frequent heats that were stressful on her.

Geneva now enjoys retired life as a spayed kitty and lives with one of Ruby & Tao’s kittens Freddy, in Massachusetts! : )



RidgeRags’ Ruby of WillowTreeRags

Flame Lynx Point Mitted

Dam: RidgeRags Sienna (Flame Lynx Point Bicolor)

Sire: WhiteRockRags Huckster (Flame Point Mitted)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

This is Ruby, we added her to our cattery in order to achieve those lovely Flame, Cream and Tortie babies everybody loves! Ruby has a great pedigree for a red, and is a nice weighty girl with good boning, great type, beautiful big blue eyes, a lovely coat, perfect markings (complete with a beautiful white blaze on her nose), and has a lovely Ragdoll temperment to boot! Since Ruby is a Flame, she will have only Flame and Cream male kittens, and most likely only tortie females. She is a lynx, and does have the gene able to produce lynx striping in her kittens. Ruby hails from all the way over in White Rock, Vancouver, Canada! My thanks goes out to Beverly Welsh of WhiteRockRags & Lee Pusch of RidgeRags for breeding lovely Ruby. We look forward to breeding her to Tao for some lovely Flame/Cream and Tortie babies that we can use with WillowTreeRags’ Heart Charm Locket, our Blue Torbie Point Bicolor from DGC. TheDollHouse’ Silver and Gold & TGC. WillowTreeRags Hans Donsen. We believe this will be a great morphing of two unique, healthy pedigrees especially to guarantee future healthy generations in red breeding programs. Ruby now lives with Ida, retired.

Her lines live on in TICA CH. WillowTreeRags Priscilla Hansdatter, a gorgeous Seal Tortie Point Bicolor, TICA GC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags His Angel of GloryBe a stunning Blue Tortie Point Mitted, WillowTreeRags’ Clarence, a super handsome Cream Lynx Point Bicolor, TICA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Zinnea Rose, a beautiful Seal Torbie Point Bicolor- watch for them in the show halls!


 TICA CH. Ragbenchers Lucy In The Sky



Blue Point Mitted

Dam: Ragbencher Blue Sky (Blue Point Mitted)

Sire: DGC. Echoglen Skipper of RegencyRags (Blue Point Bicolor)



Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Introducing now, one of our Blue Point Mitted Queens, Lucy! Lucy is quiet and loving. She is a mother to all of the kitties here, and gives more than she herself asks for. She is such a sweetheart, and we really love her! Her lines are clean, traditional, and very healthy. They contain lines of large Ragdoll cats. Her mother’s side of the pedigree is outstanding, with Ragmar lines (my favorite), among other lines that breeders have worked very hard in perfecting. Most of Lucy’s lines hail from the West/Canada, which I believe adds good type, correct coat, and big size! I must thank Cheryl (& Tracie) for allowing me to have such a lovely girl. I had been talking to Cheryl for years waiting for another perfect kitty from her robust Ragbencher lines to add to our cattery. It is one of the few lines in the Ragdoll world I trust for health, personality, and confirmation. We first had experience with Ragbencher lines with “BlessedRagdolls’ Charlotte” (who belongs to RhetoricalRags). Charlotte is very big, with a great personality, correct coat, and perfect markings. She has always made big, beautiful kittens, one of which resides here with us (out of BlessedRagdolls’ Charlotte & TGC. WillowTreeRags’s Hans Donsen), RhetoricalRags’ Honeybun Hansdatter, a Blue Point Mitted that can be seen on “Our Future” page. We are looking forward to kitties from Lucy in 2010. This will not only help us maintain the good health in our cats, but also allow us to have an unrelated line to work into our cattery. Thank you so much to Cheryl for breeding such a lovely cat, you really take the time and effort in making some of the best Ragdolls and I am honored to have them in my cats! Lucy’s lines live on in… WillowTreeRags Kingston of Luvleedolls, WillowTreeRags Sapphire of Rahabacat and WillowTreeRags’ Regency Jamboree of RegencyRags.

Lucy’s last litter will be with TICA RW SGC/CFA GC. WillowTreeRags’ Apollo Amadeo. In the Spring she will be retired/spayed and then leave to her new home with her new mother, Susan!


The above 3 photos of Lucy were taken late December 2010, by myself.


 TICA & CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Heart Charm Locket






Blue Torbie Point Bicolor

Dam: DGC. TheDollHouse Silver and Gold (Seal Torbie Point Mitted)

Sire: TGC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor)

This is our lovely Charmer! Charmer is a gorgeous Blue Torbie Point Bicolor. Charmer has a very funny personality. She loves people and loves her head scratched. She is constantly looking for attention and is always purring. She has the most luxurious bunny coat that exists in the breed. It is so soft, plush and silky. She has a huge plume of a tail, and her pastel coloring makes her very feminine looking. Charmer has a great chin, change of direction, and forehead. She has a great ear set and shape, and has just the best head type for a female. Charmer has won me over with her personality, she is full of it and just loves everybody in the funniest ways. Charmer loves to head butt you, and just flop right onto your lap and roll over. She is the sweetest! Charmer is out of DGC. TheDollHouse Silver and Gold & TGC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen. Charmer is a 2nd Generation WillowTreeRag, and has 3 generations of cats we’ve bred, her lines trace back to two of our foundation cats, Lady Abigale Byers (Xanka) & Donatello. I am looking forward to earning her titles in TICA & CFA. Her parents are both CFA Champions, her mother is a Double Grand Champion, and her father is a Triple Grand Champion in TICA. Her mother Silver & Gold did outstanding as a female against many big, beautiful males in the show halls.

Charmer is now living with her beautiful mother Silver & Gold, and new “sister” Maggie with Ingrid in Massachusetts! Unfortunately, when Charmer was spayed, this ended our last line from Silver and Gold. The two kittens Charmer had were placed as pets, and Charmer was the only whole cat kept from Silver & Gold’s litter. We thank Ingrid for giving loving, forever homes for our three gorgeous retired Tortie/Torbie girls (Maggie, Silver and Gold, and Charmer)!! They could not have better homes!! 🙂

Photos above and below were taken by Chanan on March 28th, 2010 in Easton, PA. Charmer is 10 months old in these photos.


WillowTreeRags’ Macaroon

Seal Point Bicolor

Dam: TICA GC. RhetoricalRags’ Honeybun Hansdatter (Blue Point Mitted)

Sire: TICA RW GC. Medieval Waldorf of WillowTreeRags (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Pending, parents DNA tested Negative.

Our lovely baby girl, Macaroon! Macaroon is one of our newest future queens- and more exciting is the fact she is home-grown. Macaroon is one of many spectacular kittens produced by our one and only Honeybun, who in a very short time hasn’t failed in producing some of the best kittens we’ve ever had. Macaroon’s father was also the Best Ragdoll Kitten in the USA in TICA during the 2010-2011 show season, also Second Best Kitten, internationally. The breeding between Macaroon’s parents almost didn’t take place. I originally hadn’t planned to breed Honeybun to Wally, the reason being that I didn’t think either parents had very striking eye or point color- something I do try to strive for. When the time came to breed Wally, Honeybun came into heat. Since I wanted to retire Wally young so he could enjoy life as a spoiled pet, I decided to take the chance and go forward with the breeding. The worst thing that could have happened was producing kittens that were not as striking as some of my others. It is quite funny, because I only ended up keeping two of Wally’s kittens, and they both ended up being out of this litter that I never intended on doing. Wally’s two other litters produced beautiful kittens, but all but one were boys, and I knew I didn’t want to keep a boy from him. When Honeybun’s kittens were born a week later, a litter of 4 girls, I knew this was my litter I would be choosing babies from. To my surprise, as they kittens developed, many of them had intense blue eye color, and above average to very nice point color! I am sure this is a throw-back from one of their grandparents. I usually thank Hans (Honeybun’s sire) when I get this intense eye/point color combo, and with this litter, I do as well. Hans’ line holds very strong color, and often times it will pop up in his grandchildren- and we are always very pleasantly surprised! I had been so impressed by Macaroon, that I decided to enter her in her first TICA show just 5 days after she turned 4 months old… and what do you know! I wasn’t the only one who was impressed! At this first show, she took home TWO BEST KITTEN FINALS and outstanding compliments from the judges who saw her. Macaroon loves the show halls, she not only looks the part, but acts it as well. She plays with all of the toys, purrs, and flops!Just like her two parents when they were busy with their show careers.

Macaroon’s name is pretty self explanitory- like Honeybun, she is also named after a sweet treat!

Macaroon is spayed and lives with Lois in MA. Macaroon’s line is carried on by many of her wonderful offspring, like WillowTreeRags’ Cannoli.

TICA CH. Cas-Sus Love Insight

Seal Point Mitted


Dam: Cas-Sus Tara Vita (Blue Colorpoint)

Sire: RO*ElianRags Ferrero Roche (Seal Point Bicolor)



Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

All the way from Sweden, is Kaysa! She was co-owned with our good friend Katie Clancy of ClancysRags in Rhode Island. Kaysa went to her first show in Providence, RI February 5th & 6th, 2011, and did wonderfully in a huge kitten class! Kaysa consistantly knocked out her Ragdoll competition in the 2010-2011 Show Season. In Ansonia, CT the last weekend of April 2011, a Ragdoll Congress was held by TICA Judge Adriana Kajon. Out of close to 20 Ragdolls, Kaysa was named Adriana’s BEST RAGDOLL in CHAMPIONSHIP! She was followed by our own Genevieve who was THIRD BEST RAGDOLL IN CHAMPIONSHIP! How rewarding it is to win in such a competitive class, not only Best Ragdoll, but also 3rd!! Kaysa achieved her Championship title in 2011, and has now been spayed and is now in her forever home.

Kaysa’s Seal Point Bicolor daughter out of TICA TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen- WillowTreeRags’ Avelina will carry on her lines. Avelina resides with our friend/breeder Katie Clancy at ClancysRags. Katie & I co-own Avelina.

TICA RW SGC. & CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Genevieve Hansdatter


Photo by Helmi Flick.

Seal Point Bicolor (Mid-High White Bicolor)

Dam: Mendelian Geneva of WillowTreeRags (Seal Point Bicolor-High Mitted)

Sire: TICA TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor- True Bicolor)














Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Genevieve is a lovely Seal Point Bicolor, who is so much like her mother Geneva, in looks and personality, hence her name being somewhat a version of her mother’s. Genevieve is a sweet girl, who is alway purr, purr, purring! She has the sweetest little meow, and always asks for more love! She loves being held and carried around. She is happy just to lay in your arms or sit on your lap and be petted all day! Genevieve is going to be a beautiful adult, her coat is very dense, plush, and bunny-like. She also has the most striking, flashy big blue eyes, a perfect profile, body length, long legs, and nice long tail. She has also matured into quite a large female. She is very easy going, and knows no stranger! Genevieve is another one of our Hans babies, and I think her pedigree is a great mix of newer and traditional lines! At Genevieve’s fist show, when she was fresh into entering the kitten class, she received 2 Allbreed finals as BEST Ragdoll. Her second show, she finaled as BEST Ragdoll, in 5 rings, and as 2nd BEST Ragdoll in 1 ring, for a total of 6 finals at ONLY 5 months old! Overall, she was the BEST RAGDOLL KITTEN in the show!! She was against many older kitties, and beautiful examples of Ragdolls to boot, we’re proud she’s been able to stand on her own! Genevieve went to her last kitten show in June 2010, which was in Matamoras, PA held by CFA. Genevieve was awarded 4/6 Best of Breeds against one other Ragdoll kitten. Out of those 4 rings she finaled in two as 3rd Best Allbreed Kitten & 8th Best Allbreed Kitten. The judge who gave her the 3rd Best Allbreed Kitten final also said she was one of the best Ragdolls she had ever seen!! How wonderful of a compliment for our sweetheart Genevieve!

NEWSFLASH #1: Genevieve achieved her Triple Grand Champion status at her 2nd adult TICA show in Boxborough, MA on August 8th & 9th, 2010 at the TICA NE Regional! She was also BEST RAGDOLL in the entire show! She was against many cats from breeders all over New England, and some very tough competition. She is only 9 months old! Her next TICA show will be in Marstons Mills, MA on September 11th & 12th, 2010! Come visit her!

NEWSFLASH #2: Genevieve has been doing great in the show halls, she has held her own against many males. I forgot an update on the Marstons Mills, MA show, but she did great, 3 finals, and another Best Cat from Donna Madison in her AB Female Congress. At the Hartford, CT TICA show she took home 3 finals, one being yet another BEST CAT from Jimmy Reardon who finaled 6 Ragdolls, Genevieve was his Best of Breed out of a class of 14 Ragdolls! Genevieve has gone to 4 adult shows, and is now a Quadruple Grand Champion, she has received BEST CATS in 3 out of 4 of these shows and countless Best of Breeds! That is SO awesome for a female Ragdoll with such intense competition! We will continue to show her… I know her Supreme title is very, very near…

NEWSFLASH #3: Genevieve did it!! On November 21st, 2010, Genevieve received her BEST CAT final and achieved the highest title in TICA, Supreme Grand Champion! Thank you to judge Carol Barton for giving Genevieve this final in a class of 70 AB cats as well as a very large class of Ragdolls, all of outstanding quality! We are SO happy for Genevieve, Genevieve was my first Supreme from my Hans line, and my 3rd home-grown Supreme! I am very proud of her!! Genevieve is one of my favorite Ragdolls of all time, as I truly feel like she is the “COMPLETE RAGDOLL PACKAGE”! She is everything a Ragdoll should be! Since males are highly favored in the show halls, for all she is, she did incredible this season! We are so proud of our sweet Genevieve!

Genevieve is the mother of TICA SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION WillowTreeRags Gena of Rouletii!


Genevieve’s above Photos by Helmi Flick Photos of Genevieve at 1.1 yrs old taken in Corpus Christi, TX on December 12th, 2010.

Photo taken October 18th, 2011 of TICA RW SGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Genevieve Hansdatter’s flawless profile and head type. It doesn’t get better than this!!

TICA GC. WillowTreeRags’ Priscilla Hansdatter

Seal Tortie Point Bicolor (True Bicolor)

Sire: TICA TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: RidgeRags’ Ruby of WillowTreeRags (Flame Lynx Point Mitted)







Oh my, oh my! Priscilla! There is not a prettier name to fit a more lovely, feminine kitty! The moment she was born, this girl caught my eye, and I could not take mine off of her! As one of two Tortie kittens in this first litter between Ruby & Hans, she was my �keeper� since day one! Every day she got older, the more gorgeous she would also get! I could not believe how spectacular she was maturing! Her profile was flawless at 4 weeks old, 8 weeks old, 12 weeks old, 5 months old… and TODAY! A perfect chin, perfect change of direction, perfect forehead, perfect nose… everything is perfect! The icing on the cake would be that as she matured, she was also perfectly marked, and had an amazing �V� just like her father Hans! Priscilla has the sweetest personality at home! All she does is ask for attention! She purrs constantly, kneads our laps if we�re sitting down anywhere in the house. She wants to be held and cuddled for hours on end! We try our best to please her, but she can just never get enough love and attention! She loves being with people, and is so trusting! She is a fearless cat, innocent, and a sweetheart. Priscilla has the most gorgeous eyes, and beautiful tortie coloring! She is just the perfect little gift! Exactly what I wanted from this Ruby & Hans breeding! Priscilla also have an equally phenomenal brother who lives with a close friend of ours- WillowTreeRags� Clarence. He is a Cream Lynx Point Bicolor. He is just as nice as Priscilla! Priscilla has great weight to her, and is a little chunky cuddle bug! We can�t wait to see what the future brings with Priscilla. These photos don’t do her justice… 🙂

Update: Early March 2012, we entered Priscilla at a TICA Show in Providence, RI, we had decided late in 2011 we would stop showing Priscilla at her Champion title, and allow her to breed at her next heat. Well, plans changed! Priscilla was one final short of Granding, and when the Providence show’s entries were coming to a close, here at home Priscilla was, looking as gorgeous as ever. Last minute I said, okay, we’ll enter her! Maybe we will get that last final to Grand her (it’s hard for a girl, especially with huge competition- like her half brother TICA SGC. WillowTreeRags’ Fritz of ClancysRags, to squeeze out any finals). Priscilla made Grand! On Saturday she Granded. On Sunday, she received 3 additional finals!WOW! With that competition she did amazing! Her and her brother were two of the most consistent Ragdolls in the show, being placed in Top 3 of breed by almost every judge. We are thankful to Priscilla for constantly loving to show, she rolls in the rings, plays, and purrs for the judges without a care in the world. She is a piece of cake to groom, and is perfect all over. We are so proud of her!!

Priscilla is the mother of TICA SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION WillowTreeRags Goddess of Rouletii.

Priscilla will be spayed in May 2015 and will enjoy retired life with Deb C.!

Priscilla’s Profile at 5 weeks & Priscilla’s Profile at 2.8 years.

TICA & CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Silk Stocking

Blue Colorpoint

Sire: TICA TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: IowasBestRags’ Holly of WillowTreeRags (Blue Point Mitted)







Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

This is Silk Stocking! She is a very good size for a girl, she has a great profile, change of direction and beautiful bunny fur like her parents, TGC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen & IowasBestRags’ Holly of WillowTreeRags. She is a great cat with exceptional body length, and a big long tail. When you pick her up she is as solid as bricks! Silk has a great personality. She is so playful, any string, ribbon, feather, etc, attracts her! She will play with anything, and you should see her when she does! She flies in the air, leaps, grabs, and does flips for cat toys! She is quite the acrobat! On the reverse, she also loves to cuddle when she is in the mood! She comes up to us, rolling on her back, purring, and looking for belly rubs! She loves to be petted and loved. Her littermate sister WillowTreeRags’ Majestic Hansdatter, a Blue Point Bicolor, lives in Brazil with Claudio & Rochester! Silk Stocking is also the 1/2 brother of TICA RW SGCA/CFA PR. WillowTreeRags’ Irish Fancy.

The photos of Silk Stocking were taken in York, PA by Chanan on July 10th, 2010. She is 1.1 years in these photos. She is a very large sized girl- tall, long, with big boning and a nice wide body and chest. She has perfectly sound structure, perfect leg alignment. A very healthy body and she has been great in passing along her fabulous body to her offspring, we’re so thankful!

Like many of our home-grown Hans girls, Silk is the mother of TICA SUPREME GRAND ALTER WillowTreeRags Mr. BoJangles.

Silk will be looking for her forever home after her final litter, likely in Summer 2015.

TICA QGC. DaisyDolls Faith of WillowTreeRags

Seal Point Bicolor (Mid-High White Bicolor)

Dam: SK* Gwenny Gemini of Carpathia (Blue Lynx Point Bicolor)

Sire: SI* Ragdolls Devine Bolero (Seal Point Mitted)


Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Pending, parents are DNA tested negative.

Oh my Faith! The moment this girl arrived all the way from Hungary, from my newest and dearest friend Hajnalka Szabados, I knew that I made no mistakes importing her. Faith, as I have told many of my friends and her breeders, I feel is one of the best Ragdolls I’ve added from other catteries since my very foundation cats. Faith has a healthy, robust pedigree, a fantastic mix of lines, especially for my own cattery. Faith has a loving, gentle personality, and she has loved me since she arrived here! She loves to be hugged and cuddled! Her coat is just pure luxury- a perfect bunny coat! Faith has the most gorgeous open expression. She has large, big eyes, a perfect ear set, tilt, and size. She has a huge broad chest, great boning, long body, and a huge, long fluffy plume of a tail. She is irresistible, and her perfection is envious. Faith is the whole package. I look forward to showing Faith successfully in 2012, and titling her before she moves on into our breeding program. She is sure to contribute much to our line in the future, I know it! She has so much to offer! Faith was also imported with her littermate and sister DaisyDolls’ Fauna of ClancysRags. Fauna resides with our good friend Katie Clancy of ClancysRags in Rhode Island! I can’t thank Hajni enough for our sweet girl, she has sent us her very best!!

Update: Faith attended the Ragdolls Around the World (RAW) Ragdoll Congress on October 4th, 2013 in Las Vegas, NV. She was awarded 8th Best Ragdoll Cat in Show by TICA Judge Linda Jean Grillo! We are so proud of Faith.

Photos above were taken of Faith at 1yr & 11 months.

RhetoricalRags Kendra of WillowTreeRags

Blue Point Bicolor (Mid-High White Bicolor)

Dam: TICA CH. WillowTreeRags Emily Hansdatter of RhetoricalRags (Blue Point Mitted)

Sire: TICA RW. QGC/CFA CH. Tatjana Tao Shang of WillowTreeRags (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Here is our lovely Kendra! She is a perfect blend of her father TICA RW QGC./CFA CH. Tatjana Tao Shang of WillowTreeRags and mother TICA CH. WillowTreeRags Emily Hansdatter of RhetoricalRags. Although her expression favors her father Tao, she has both of our beloved Tao & Hans lines in her pedigree. Everything good that I imagined would be the result of this breeding arrived… and THEN some! Kendra is the result of a joint-breeding between my friend Charlotte Dobachesky of RhetoricalRags and I. However, Kendra hails from all of our own cats here at WillowTreeRags (Tao, Hans, and Geneva). Kendra has the whole package, a very straight, symmetrical “V” accompanied by a perfect paint job- not a speck of color where it shouldn’t be. Her type is simply perfection, there is nothing to improve on. She has nice solid weight, a long body and long legs! She gets her gorgeous eye mascara from her mother Emily (inherited from Hans). Her coat is soft, flowing, and completely unmatting. She is heavenly! We are excited for Kendra’s future with us, carrying on her father Tao’s line.

Newsflash: Kendra went to her first show in Hartford, CT on October 23rd & 24th, at the tender age of just 4 months (one of the youngest Ragdoll kittens in the class), she was in a kitten class of 18 Ragdolls, and against 2 large, older Blue Point Bicolor males in her color class. She held her own, and received a few Breed placements for which I was so greatful for! On Sunday, she was awarded Best of Breed by judge Don Caruthers from Texas, and given a final as 4th Best Allbreed Kitten! This was her first final! I am really thankful for Don seeing so much potential in Kendra as such a young kitten, as I know some judges are not brave enough to pick the smallest female in such a large class, even if they are terrific examples of the breed! It was an awesome first final!

TICA GC. RegencyRags’ Simply Delicious of WillowTreeRags


Seal Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Dam: TICA RW. SGC. SnuggleRags Sebring of RegencyRags (Seal Point Bicolor)

Sire: TICA SGC. RegencyRags Arisocratic Ring (Blue Point Bicolor)






Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Now introducing, my super sweet and sassy, Della! She hails all the way from Denise Saunders of RegencyRags in Texas! I cannot thank Denise enough for the opportunity to own one of her outstanding Ragdolls! I think it must have been fate for me to have this wonderful girl. I admired Della’s photos and adorable video on Denise’s website for weeks, but kept going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to commit to another Ragdoll at the time, although she was precious, and everything a breeder would want in a new addition to their cattery! I had just arranged to import a new girl from Sweden and thought I would have my hands full showing babies this season! I thought… “Well, maybe the next Sebring & Aristede litter” (Della’s parents) but day after day I’d see Denise’s updates of this sweet girl, and I was falling head over heels in love with her! Then one afternoon I opened my e-mail and saw a message from Denise who explained she was e-mailing me because she was interested in the outstanding male I had available at the time (Jamison). She had been looking to add the “perfect” Colorpoint male to her cattery for years, and I was the breeder who had him! Little did she know, I had been admiring her perfect little girl for so long! To make a long story short, we decided on a kitty swap, and we both ended up getting exactly what we wanted! Della is looking SO perfect, and so much like her mother Sabrina who stole my heart the first time I saw her during the show halls in the 2009-2010 show season, being shown by Denise. Della has a perfect profile, a magnificent chin, big beautiful eyes, and a gorgeous feminine expression. Thank you again, Denise!

Newsflash: November 5th, 2010 in Lancaster, PA, at Della’s first show, just ONE DAY after turning 4 months old, she was awarded 8th Best Allbreed Kitten from Elektra Hammond, in a class of over 80 Allbreed & 15 Ragdoll kittens (one being her brother Laszlo) competing! What an awesome surprise, we are so proud of our little girl, and it was even sweeter having her breeder, Denise Saunders there to see it!

Della was spayed on July 8th, 2014. She will be going to live a spoiled, happy life with her forever family in NYC. Her line will carry on in her daughters here, Esmeralda (by Apollo) and Eunice (by Swag).

Photos of Della taken January 8th, 2012 by Larry Johnson!

GracefulDolls Timeless of WillowTreeRags

Seal Point Mitted (w/hourglass blaze)

Dam: BrierRose Misty of GracefulDolls (Blue Point Mitted)

Sire: RoyalDolls Remington of GracefulDolls (Seal Colorpoint)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

When I first saw Timeless she was just an itty bitty kitten, but even at her young age I knew I had to have her! Then, when I saw her pedigree I really knew she needed to be a part of our breeding program! I was absolutely in love with her “hourglass” blaze, a trait I favor as it is so specific to the Ragdoll breed. My very first Ragdoll had an hourglass blaze, so they are something I really cherish. The hourglass is also the story behind her name- “Timeless”!Timeless arrived to us the same day as Octavianne did in December 2011, and all expectations were met. Timeless is a very sweet girl, she loves playing with people, and other cats. She is a very calm and gentle cat, never using her claws for anything. She is simply an easy cat. She gets along with everybody, and loves being around other cats and kittens. Timeless has one strange quirk about her… she “begs” with her hands! She is doing it at home all of the time, and even does it at shows. We found she “begs” most when chasing cat teaser toys, and before jumping up or onto something. She is very funny, and knows she is super cute! Timeless went to her first show at 7 months old in Providence, RI in March 2012. She was such a trooper, and loved every minute of it. I think she was a bit curious as to the whole situation, but never the less, she took it in stride. Timeless is a little petite at the moment, and now that she is considered an adult, we are giving her some more time to mature before she goes out to the show halls. We may wait until she has a litter and is given some additional time to mature before bringing her out. I think her maturity is going to be a bit slower than our other lines. None the less, Timeless is healthy, sweet, and we’re looking forward to her future here. I can’t thank Roberta & Billy Griffin of GracefulDolls for trusting me with her care. Robbie & Billy have a gorgeous baby from our cattery also- WillowTreeRags’ Piper, a Seal Point Bicolor out of Apollo & Amelia.

The photo above is of Timeless just around 1.5 years old, she is growing into a healthy, mature, and gorgeous girl. She is currently nursing her first litter of 3 kittens (from Hans). She is a great mother, we are lucky to have her here as part of the family! Once Timeless is retired she will join her new home with Nicole, who has fallen in love with her and promised to give her a forever home! 🙂

TICA QGC. RhetoricalRags’ Honeybun Hansdatter


Blue Point Mitted

Sire: TICA TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: BlessedRagdolls’ Charlotte of RhetoricalRags (Seal Point Bicolor)





Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Introducing our Honeybun! There definately is not a name that describes this girl to a tee more than Honeybun! She is SO sweet, but also very spunky and full of herself! Not to mention she is a very smart kitty! She is an extreme flopper and cuddler, and never fails to let people fall in love with that side of her instantly, when they see her being cradled on her back and flopped right over in our arms. She is without a care in the world! Many have been captivated by her truly outgoing nature. At home she tears through the house, down the stairs, tagging our legs, and running about! In her chaotic frenzy, she loves talking outloud…she loves to entertain and make us laugh! She will stare you right in the eyes and have long conversations with you, too! She absolutely loves being the center of attention! Honeybun gets her personality from her mother Charlotte, and father Hans, both of which are very spunky but floppy Ragdolls! Both of her parents love being the center of attention and are a tiny bit stubborn, which is very much like Honeybun! She brings so much life to the house, and the rest of the cats, she is just so fun to live with, and makes sure she gets her way, too!

Besides Honeybun’s “so-Ragdoll” personality, she is decorated perfectly! She has perfect white mittens on her front paws, and perfect white boots on her back! Just as the mitted pattern calls for, there is not a hair out of place. Her coat is longer than some of my other cats, but very bunny-like! She has a long, very puffy tail, and fluffy mane! She has big boning, and a thick body! Adorned with a perfect ear set, and FLAWLESS profile, there is not much else I could ask for in Honeybun!

Honeybun was from a joint-breeding between me and my good friend Charlotte Dobachesky of RhetoricalRags. Honeybun’s mother is BlessedRagdolls’ Charlotte, who originally lived with me, before joining Charlotte’s cattery when she first started breeding a few years ago. Charlotte’s lines are from old west coast lines. Her father is QGC. OverlandTrls Scout of Ragbenchers, a big Seal Point Bicolor male. Charlotte is from mostly Ragbencher lines, which I love and cherish for their health, personality, and extra large size. Charlotte (the cat) was named Charlotte by me, before I even met Charlotte Dobachesky! I think it must have been destiny for her to have Charlotte, and for us to work together in making healthy, sweet, traditional Ragdolls! My thanks to Charlotte for being a great friend, fantastic breeder and allowing me to have Honeybun back as one of Hans’ exclusive kittens!

In the show halls, Honeybun was able to pull off her Grand Champion title in TICA in less than one month after entering the adult class at 8 months! In very tough, end of the season competition, Honeybun pulled off many Best of Breeds and finals. One of these days, we hope to bring Honeybun back out to the show halls, we know she’d love to go back and entertain!

UPDATE: After multiple litters that have produced some of our very best kittens, including a TICA REGIONAL WINNER & SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION WillowTreeRags’ Neptune of EmbleMystic, we have decided to let Honeybun have a bit of a hiatus in breeding. Right now she is in top form and condition and returned to the show halls in October 2012 after caring for her 2012 litter born March 24th. Honeybun entered the show halls like she had never left. She still LOVES showing, and had a great time! In her return in Hartford, CT she took home 4 additional finals, making her a TRIPLE GRAND CHAMPION- just like her father Hans! She will continue showing at least through 2012, and we have goals for Jan-Feb shows as well. We are eager to obtain her SUPREME title!! She is SO deserving!!

Honeybun is the mother of TICA REGIONAL WINNER & SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION WillowTreeRags Neptune of Emblemystic.

The photos above were taken in January 2013 by Larry Johnson. Honeybun is 3.6yrs.

TICA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Amelia

Seal Point Mitted

Sire: TICA OS TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: Mendelian Geneva of WillowTreeRags (Seal Point Bicolor)


Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

This is our one and only Amelia, and what an amazing example of a Ragdoll she is! Even better, are the kittens she has produced thus far with Apollo! She is from two outstanding parents, TICA OS TGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags Hans Donsen & Mendelian Geneva of WillowTreeRags, and is the full sister to the magnificent TICA RW SGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags Genevieve Hansdatter!

Unfortunately Amelia’s mother Geneva had to be spayed earlier than we hoped, so we really cherish our Amelia living here with us. Amelia went to her first show as a 4 month old kitten in Lancaster, PA. It was a HUGE class of Ragdolls, and she was placed in breed multiple times over much older more mature cats. She was promising from the beginning! Although she was only shown once as an adult, she was placed by one judge as Best of Breed (in another large class of Ragdolls, and of many males- some of our own, even her full sister Genevieve). This TICA judge commented on how the Northeast Region in TICA has some of the BEST Ragdolls in the world, and on that day, Amelia was her best Ragdoll in the show- pretty impressive we think! Especially coming from a judge who travels all around the world seeing all different Ragdolls. What a remark and testimonial for Amelia’s true quality! Need we say more? Amelia is a TICA Champion in one show. Of Amelia’s best traits are her sheer size, weight and boning. She is built like a boy and is one solid Ragdoll! She has straight legs, and a wonderful build. Amelia’s eye color is outstanding, like Hans. Her point color is intense- exactly how we’d want a Seal to look… SEAL! Not washed out. Amelia has a perfect white chin, perfect mittens, and perfect white boots! She has great type, great ears… everything about her is the complete package. Her kittens thus far have surpassed our expectations. What a pairing she has made with Apollo! Amelia is a cornerstone here now. Amelia is an attentive mother and loves her kittens more than anything else! She is always with them, cleaning and feeding them! She is a sweet mommy, and a wonderful girl!

Amelia is the mother of TICA REGIONAL WINNER & SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION WillowTreeRags What All Women Want and TICA REGIONAL WINNER & SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION WillowTreeRags Sylbr8 of Magnadolz.

WillowTreeRags Simple Swanky Name

Seal Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: TICA RW QGC. MtShadowRags Boston Swag

Dam: TICA GC. RegencyRags Simply Delicious

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative.

First of all, I must thank Denise Saunders of RegencyRags for allowing me the opportunity to take Naomi back home. In 2014, after the loss of our dear Hans to cancer, I made the decision after 12 years, I would be ending my cattery. I placed all of my cats who were to be my future breeders. To make a long story short, I placed Swag, as well as all of his offspring I intended to carry on with for future generations alongside my Hans and Apollo foundation line. In the Spring of 2014, our beautiful Naomi (“Simple Swanky Name”) was born. Her mother was our Della, who we had bought home from Denise Saunders a few years prior. As a gift to Denise, knowing she loved Swag, and for trusting me with Della, I sent Naomi to Denise to breed and cherish, which she did for many years. Denise was successful in producing quality in Naomi’s litters… with three going to on to join breeding programs and showing… one of Naomi’s sons is living in Europe, another in China. Denise graciously gave me the chance to bring Naomi home to obtain this line again, when I decided I would continue with a smaller breeding program. I am so thankful, as now we have Swag & Della’s line back in a perfect little package- our Naomi!!

Naomi is stocky with a lot of “heft” to her. She has an absolutely flawless, textbook profile, perfect markings and to die for blue eyes, beautiful Seal coloring and a proper bunny coat. She’s a really nice blend of both of her parents.

Naomi is also the full sibling of a wonderful stud in China, our lovely WillowTreeRags Lemon. Naomi is scheduled to retire after her final litter in Fall 2020. She has a wonderful home with Jennifer where she will be loved and enjoy being spoiled! She also lives with a son from her final litter. ❤️ Naomi’s line carries on here with her daughter Brooklyn!

Pedigree of WillowTreeRags Simple Swanky Name:

TICA RW OD Wild Rose Supurrsonic




Blue Tortie Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Dam: Merel van Didero (Blue Tortie Point Mitted)

Sire: GIC Escape Supurrsonic, JW (Blue Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Negative

Allow me the pleasure of introducing my enchantingly gorgeous, sweetheart of a doll- Rozyczka. Rozyczka flew over here all the way from her home country of Poland. Looking into Rozyczka’s eyes every day always brings me back to how taken back I was when I first laid my eyes upon this stunningly beautiful little kitten on the internet one afternoon. She instantly stole my heart, and I just had to make her mine! After reviewing her pedigree, it gave me a beautiful sign that this girl should in fact be MINE. Way back in the furthest generation I saw two familiar names. They were the names of my foundation stud’s mother’s parents. Bringing in a little piece of my foundation stud’s lineage back here meant so much to me, and Rozyczka was such a testament to generations of quality breeding. I was so excited that soon, I would be holding her in my arms! It was a cold December of 2013 when she arrived in Boston, after hours of flying. I don’t know who was more eager for the carrier door to open. I locked eyes with her just as the day I saw her for the very first time staring back at me from my computer screen. She has the biggest, bluest, most breathtakingly gorgeous eyes. I took her out of her carrier and squeezed her and told her I loved her so much! She just purred, and purred and purred. She loved me, too! It has been months since her arrival here, and Rozyczka and I have an incredible bond. Rozyczka loves me as much as I love her! She loves going to the shows, and making everyone “ooo” and “aww”. I am not the only one who is mesmerized by this beauty. Rozcyzka had an extremely successful year in TICA showing as a kitten. She is the Best Ragdoll Kitten in the Northeast Region, and is a Regional Winner in only a handful of shows. Rozyczka is now an adult, and she will be shown in TICA & CFA this Summer/Fall to achieve higher titles. My dream, from the first time I saw Rozcyzka was to breed her to Hans. Rozyczka’s first litter, will be Hans’ final litter here. I know regardless of when it happens, it will be well worth the wait.

I cannot thank Rozyczka’s breeder Dominika Regulska of Supurrsonic Ragdolls for allowing me to own her beloved “Little Rose”. It was so clear to me when Rozyczka arrived that she had always been loved, pampered and well cared for before her arrival. I will be forever grateful to Dominika for sending me my beautiful Rozy. I still remember the conversations I had with Dominika before Rozyczka’s arrival here. She told me how sweet she was, and how truly beautiful, intense blue her eyes were… she did not exaggerate. I expected the best, and when Rozyczka arrived she was even more beautiful than I could ever fathom! What a truly remarkable and special girl. She is a cat who will never be duplicated. Dominika has truly given me more than I could have ever dreamed. She has the health, the beauty, and the personality.

Rozyczka has produced some really nice kittens for us achieving the title of TICA Outstading Dam (OD), among them are two wonderful breeding males living in China, TICA QGC. WillowTreeRags Adam of RenataKitty, and WillowTreeRags Blue Jay with our friend Malin. TICA RW SGCA/CFA GP. WillowTreeRags Junius Fluffypants and our very own homegrown King, TICA RW SGC WillowTreeRags King Comet.

RagdollsSong Ruby of WillowTreeRags

Blue Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: Ragissa El Capitan (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: RagdollsSong Muffin (Blue Point Mitted)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative

Now introducing our breath-takingly gorgeous Ruby. She came to us all of the way from our friend Miriam of RagdollsSong Cattery in Slovakia. She is perfect in all aspects… I am in awe. She is the epitome of a Ragdoll… Simply, she could not be improved.

WillowTreeRags Willow

Blue Point Mitted

Sire: TICA OS RW SGC/CFA GC. WillowTreeRags Apollo Amadeo (Seal Point Mitted)

Dam: TICA QGC Honeybun Hansdatter of WillowTreeRags (Blue Point Mitted)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative

Willow is a beautiful girl out of Honeybun & Apollo, she has all of our foundation lines in her. She has a huge, broad, heavy body and thick boning. She has a plush, semi-long bunny coat, big blue eyes, a super large and typey head for a girl. She is a fun, playful and smart girl. Our friend Carol Ann Ryan was sweet enough to offer Willow back to us, when she decided to end her cattery in Canada (JoJo Ragdolls). Since Honeybun has been retired from breeding, this was the answer to us continuing her line in our cattery, which we are so pleased to do. This line has really solid health and I’m thrilled she is here. She was never shown as her former owners did not show. Therefore, she will do her best work being a mother to her beautiful future kittens. Her forever boyfriend will be Hushy.

Aaliyah Born to be Mine of WillowTreeRags

Seal Torbie Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: Hermes Somisiowy Lasek

Dam: Kylie Somisiowy Lasek

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative.

Aaliyah’s Wisdom Panel DNA Results

Aaliyah is our little sweetling from Poland. Although she is one of our smaller queens, we have kept her because she gives us the opportunity to produce more colors- Red/Cream, Tortie/Torbie and also Lynx kittens. Her personality could also not be sweeter or more gentle. She is a smart cat and loves to interact with people. Her kittens have been one of our most relaxed, floppy but also very athletic babies! She is a very feminine looking girl. Two of my favorite physical qualities of hers are her large, vivid blue eyes and her fantastic true-to-the-breed “bunny coat”. Thank you to her breeder Paula for trusting us with Aaliyah. When we retire her, we look forward to keeping one of her future daughters in our breeding program.

Aaliyah is retired, her daughter TICA RW WillowTreeRags Sweet Peach will remain with us as a future Queen, as well as her granddaughter TICA RW SGC Fairytaledol Liwu. 

HiBaby Minnie of WillowTreeRags

Blue Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: Of Moonlightdolls Navarro (Seal Point Bicolor)

Dam: Dayan Doll to All (Blue Lynx Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative.

Minnie’s Wisdom Panel DNA Results

Minnie was an absolutely joy to have here as one of our Queens for close to 3 years. I originally brought Minnie into our breeding program when I saw her available on a breeder friend in Poland’s website. Her photos are what captivated me initially, but when I saw her pedigree, there was no question to me that I had to have her. Minnie had numerous pedigree links to former cats of ours. She was from a line on her mother’s side where she was a descendant of one of our former queens- DaisyDolls Faith. She also had a very old Ragmar line in her pedigree which we had experience with in our original Ragdoll, Lady Abigale Byers (“Xanka”) that I have searched far and wide for and NEVER found until Minnie. Having that line back meant the world to me- as it also lives on in our foundation through Hans’ descendants. We also found our former Queen, IowasBestRags Holly in Minnie’s pedigree generations back. We lost Holly’s line previously, over the years, to have a queen’s line back that was very special to us through Minnie was a wonderful thing! 

Minnie is retired, and her line lives on here in our daughter, WillowTreeRags White Lotus. A kitty we are extremely excited to show and have as a part of future WillowTreeRags generations!

TICA RW SGC WillowTreeRags Jazzlyn


Seal Point Mitted

Sire: TICA OS RW SGC WillowTreeRags Apollo Amadeo (Seal Point Mitted)

Dam: WillowTreeRags Simply Irresistible (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative

Blood Type: A/A


TICA CH. Jaquet Jazz of WillowTreeRags

Seal Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: IC Perfect Change Beast Mode (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: Jaquet Istra (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative.

Jazz’s Wisdom Panel DNA Results

Our newest girl, Jazz comes all the way from Denmark. I can’t thank our dear friend Karen Jaquet for sharing this lovely line with us!

Pedigree of TICA CH. Jaquet Jazz of WillowTreeRags:

Our Retired Kings

TICA RW QGC. MtShadowRags’ Boston Swag of WillowTreeRags




14th Best Longhair Cat in the NE Region
3rd Best Ragdoll Cat in the NE Region
18th Best Allbreed Kitten in the NE Region
3rd Best Ragdoll Kitten in the NE Region

Seal Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Dam: MtShadowRags’ London (Blue Point Bicolor)

Sire: TICA CH. Darlinlildols Aspen of MtShadowRags (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC) & PKD: Pending, parents are DNA tested negative.

He’s here, he’s here….Mr. Perfect has arrived!!! These are new lines for us, having experience with some of them through our girl Della, and at the recommendation of some close friends, we’re giving more of them a try in our super new boy. We’re very careful adding new lines to our cattery, since we’ve had superior genetic health in our offspring in all of our years breeding and want to keep it that way! We know Swag is going to live up to all of our expectations! Thank you for the best little boy ever, Arianne!!

Update: We’ve had a great couple months showing our sweet boy Swag in the kitten class! Swag has consistently gone to shows and come home with very high finals! At the BosCats show in Hartford, CT in October 2012 he received 3 BEST ALLBREED KITTEN finals among many quality kittens of all different breeds, and as a result was the 3rd Best Kitten in the entire show! Following his fantastic Hartford show, we traveled down to York, PA the first week of November to compete with Swag at the 8th International Ragdoll Congress. This Congress had nearly 20 Ragdoll Kittens from the best breeders in the USA/Canada, and even a kitten from overseas competing! Judged by Hisako Yamada, Swag was named the BEST Ragdoll Kitten in the show, beating out his superb competition! We couldn’t be any more proud of our boy, and we’re sure he’s going to keep impressing as an adult…. we can’t wait to show him off!

Swag’s profile at 5 months remains as an adult flawless and unchanged.

TICA RW QGC. Tatjana’s Tao Shang of WillowTreeRags

Seal Point Bicolor

Dam: Dollheaven Virginia Rose (Seal Colorpoint)

Sire: EC. Stenstagardens’ Nike Patriarca (Blue Point Bicolor)



15th Best Longhair Cat in the NE Region
2nd Best Seal Point Bicolor Ragdoll Cat in the NE Region

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations & PKD: Negative

Here is Tao! He came to us all the way from Spain! I saw Tao for the first time in a picture early Spring 2008. I had been looking for a new special unrelated male to add to my lines, with a wonderful traditional pedigree (no outcrosses, red or lynx in his pedigree), perfect type, big boning, beautiful eye color, and outstanding markings. I saw Tao for the first time on a Ragdoll Breeder in Spain’s website. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him, and I just couldn’t stop thinking about his stunning traditional ragdoll looks, and his extremely sweet expression. I e-mailed the breeder who owned him right away, asking her if she was anticipating on any litters from him within the year. I waited for her letter anxiously, as I wanted a beautiful kitten that looked JUST like HIM! Well as luck will have it, about a week passed, and I received a letter from her. She said she did not plan on having any litters from him, but since I seemed love him so much, she would gladly offered him to me. I suppose it was destiny, he was the EPITOME of what a ragdoll should be! Tao gets his stunning looks from his father, FIFE EUROPEAN CHAMPION STENSTAGARDENS’ NIKE PATRIARCA, a VERY handsome Blue Point Bicolor. With such strong lines behind him, he was a joy and strong asset to our breeding program. I want to thank Tatjana Frerichs of Tatjana Ragdolls, who bred such an amazing ragdoll and allowed me to own him here in the USA.

Tao has produced some lovely offspring! Two of his daughters live here with us- RhetoricalRags’ Kendra of WillowTreeRags & VeritasDolls’ Aria of WillowTreeRags, who will carry on Tao’s line in our cattery. Tao is now living happily with Diane in NYC, as a retired, very happy guy!

TICA RW GC. Medieval Waldorf of WillowTreeRags


Seal Point Bicolor (“True Bicolor”)

Sire: DinunzioDolls Hershey Bar (Seal Colorpoint)

Dam: TICA RW DGC. Medieval Saphira (Blue Point Bicolor)










Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations & PKD: Negative!

 Wally was retired in December 2011 after we chose kittens of his which we decided to keep back for ourselves. Wally has joined his new home with Richard & Deb in Vermont, with one of our previous babies, WillowTreeRags’ Peter Pan, where he is already being spoiled and loved completely.

Photographs by Helmi

TICA RW SGC/CFA CH. WillowTreeRags’ Claus Hansen

Blue Point Bicolor (Mid High White Bicolor)
Sire: TGC. WillowTreeRags’ Hans Donsen (Blue Point Bicolor)
Dam: SerenityRags’ Savannahs Dream (Blue Point Mitted)







Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations & PKD: Negative

Claus is a regally handsome Blue Point Bicolor male from TGC. WillowTreeRags Hans Donsen & SerenityRags Savannahs Dream! He is the grandson of my two foundation cats, so he is extremely precious to me. Claus holds so many traditional traits within him that have been nearly lost in the breed. His wonderful bunny coat texture which is beautifully full and long in the right places, a nice long body, long tail and that wonderful playful, floppy, sweet ragdoll personality. He is perfectly marked, with not a dot of color out of place. His inverted “V” on his face mask is painted-on perfect. He takes the very best from his parents, and carries great lineage. In 2009-2010, Claus lived with Marilyn & Alan McCorkindale of Ragalong Ragdolls in Vancouver, Canada, where he achieved his QGC status in just 2 shows, and where he also achieve a Regional Win for the 2009-2010 Show Season! He was the best Ragdoll in one show out there, with a total of 10 Finals.

Newsflash: On November 21st, 2010, Claus achieved his Supreme Grand Champion status in TICA, this is the highest possible title! He was awarded his BEST CAT by Lynne Sherer! Thank you to Lynne for seeing the beauty in our loving boy!! He was a dream to show at 2.5 years old, very outgoing, and in great condition!

TICA RW SGC. Hush Money Eleedolls of WillowTreeRags

(Click photo to enlarge)


Seal Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: Of Moonlight Dolls Eleesol (Blue Point Bicolor)

Dam: Wattuwarpaan Nessel Mutru (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative








When I first saw Hushy, he was barely 5 weeks old. From his first photos I knew he’d be the one unrelated boy I MUST add to my cattery! From Tao, to Wally, to Swag… the only non-WillowTreeRags boys I’ve used in 15 years of breeding, Hushy is among the best and has so many qualities I think are absolutely a priority to keep in our breed, especially in my line. Hushy has fantastic type-proper ear set, shape and size, Hushy has big, deep ocean blue eyes… which for the judges has turned out to give him quite the edge over others with equal type. He has a dense, deep and proper Ragdoll chin, gentle change of direction, proper Ragdoll forehead, rounded muzzle, and nothing but a regally, breath-taking Ragdoll expression. His body…. WOW! He has tree trunk, thick legs, big rounded paws (perfectly adored with the longest most adorable toe tufts), a huge broad body, chest, hind quarters, and he is SOLID, HEAVY and MUSCLES, MUSCLES, MUSCLES! He has a soft coat, long in the correct places- mane & tail, non-matting, it always looks great. His markings are drawn-on perfect. No white spotting in his body color, no spots on his legs, a symmetrical “V”…. These photos of him were taken at only 11 months… we just can’t wait to see him mature more and more into a man! He had his first litter for us on August 19th, 2017.

Hushy attended his first show in Orlando, FL at the TICA SE Regional in July 2017. He was the Best Ragdoll in that show, against a large class of Ragdolls and some of the best Ragdolls of that time in the standings. He gained his Championship title at that show. Hushy attended his 2nd show in August 2017 in Largo, FL. He received 10 finals out of 12 rings with stiff competition, and achieved his Quadruple Grand Champion status here. He was also the 5th Best Allbreed Cat in the entire show… he put on his own special show for the judges and spectators also… playing with the judges, flopping on the judging table asking for belly rubs, and enjoying every minute of it. He loves to show… and we plan to go far with this boy this year… he is our new stud, and he will be a major part of our breeding program for many years to come.

Hushy has a fantastic pedigree with many lines we are familiar with, lines that I trust because of their genetic health. This boy just has it ALL! It’s a honor to have the chance of having Hushy as my own….

Update: We are SO elated!! It has been SO easy showing Hushy, he is such a gentleman its no surprise the judges fall in love with him! It almost every show he has attended, he’s received BEST CATS.. and right in time, November 11th in Hartford, CT he receives a BEST CAT that would give him his SUPREME Grand Champion title by a judge who knows her Ragdolls, Theresa Kempton. Thank you so much, Theresa! We couldn’t be prouder… better yet? He attended a show a week later again in Largo, FL… and he was Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz’ Best AB Cat, too… But we certainly aren’t surprised! Hushy is phenomenal and everyone is noticing…. 🙂

WillowTreeRags Simply Irresistible

Seal Point Bicolor (High Mitted)

Sire: TICA RW SGC Hush Money Eleedolls (Seal Point Bicolor)

Dam: WillowTreeRags Simple Swanky Name (Seal Point Bicolor)

Test Results for both HCM DNA Mutations (RD & MC), PKD and all known genetic health mutations: Negative

Blood Type: A/A

Brooklyn’s Wisdom Panel DNA Results

Meet our beautiful homegrown girl, Brooklyn. She’s from some of the best of our lines we’ve acquired over the past 10 years to breed to our foundation line, and what a nice example of the Ragdoll breed she is. Her grandfather is one of our previous kings, TICA RW QGC MTShadowRags Boston Swag which many of our WillowTreeRag fan club will remember!
Brooklyn’s line will live on in her daughter and future queen, WillowTreeRags Simply Sugar Pie