WillowTreeRags’ Maximillion

Blue “High White” Bicolor
CH. Angaline’s Donatello X Lady Abigale Byers (A.K.A. “Xanka”)

When I lost my very much loved Maine Coon cat unexpectedly in October 2005, I knew that I needed another baby in my home. On a whim, I happened to google “Ragdoll Kittens for sale in Massachusetts” and, lo and behold, I saw Max for the first time. Love at first sight…you bet!
Anette & Mable truly raised him in a happy, loving home. He is a pure joy and everyone that sees and meets him “ooh and ahh” over him…can’t blame them, of course! My only regret is that when I drove to Mansfield to get him, I only left with one Ragdoll!
Highly recommend WillowTreeRags to folks looking for top-notch, loving, fluffy, sweet-tempered Ragdoll Kittens.
Thanks for my baby!!!